The Sum has exceeded 100 .Ensure that the sum does not exceed 100..
Ensure that the sum of values reaches exactly 100.
The Sum has exceeded 100 .Ensure that the sum does not exceed 100..
Ensure that the sum of values reaches exactly 100.
The Sum has exceeded 100 .Ensure that the sum does not exceed 100..
Ensure that the sum of values reaches exactly 100.
Please do answer the above question then attempt the next question
The Sum has exceeded 100 .Ensure that the sum does not exceed 100..
Ensure that the sum of values reaches exactly 100.
The Sum has exceeded 100 .Ensure that the sum does not exceed 100..
Ensure that the sum of values reaches exactly 100.
The Sum has exceeded 100 .Ensure that the sum does not exceed 100..
Ensure that the sum of values reaches exactly 100.